Ring oss på 0454 - 301 270

Business Areas

We meet your needs.

Additionally, we have long experience of casting in different hardnesses and colors, then we can cast on such as metal, plastic, wood, glasfiber or textiles. This kind of products, we offer the following business areas.


Offshore & Marine, stiffners, mudmatts and bumpers, etc

The automotive industry, armrests, handels and components, etc

Arm rests and cushions, chairs, such as office chairs and barchars, etc

High voltage protection

The mining industry

 Some more examples of the areas we work in:

• Medical Technical Equipment
Playgrounds and amusement parks.
Arm rests and cushions in chairs, such as office chairs
Rehabilitation Aids
The automotive industry, in components, etc.
Catering Restaurant Equipment
• Schools and public spaces
• Shock Protection
Offshore Installations
High voltage protection
• Work Carpets